Corporate Eldercare | Senior Assistance | Caregiver plans PA | Caregiver Champion Advocate

Corporate Advocacy & Workshops for Caregivers

Need For Corporate Caregiving Programs


  • Six in 10 family caregivers are employed and the numbers are rising
  • 66% have had to make adjustments to their work life – from reporting late, to giving up work entirely
  • 20% have had to take a leave of absence
  • 73% of family caregivers have worked while providing care
  • Employees who leave the work force for caregiving, on average, lose $310,000 in lost wages and benefits
  • Eldercare is estimated to cost empoyers in absenteeism, turnover, and lost productivity – $19,000 per employee, per year.

Sources: Met Life Study of Working Caregivers and Employer Health Costs, February 2010 and Caregiving in the United States: National Alliance for Caregivers in Collaboration with AARP, November 2009

What can Caregiver Champion do for you?

  • Save your company money by reducing absenteesim, tardiness, and improve presenteeism
  • Enhance your company’s recruitment and retention efforts
  • Boost employee morale
  • Help your company be considered by your employees as “family friendly”
  • Design a targeted program that meets your company’s needs

It works by providing useful services to your employees.

  • Information and Referral through a confidential toll free hotline number seven days a week for the employee and their family so they can access up-to-date information without having to make numerous calls and take time off
  • Access to a Patient Advocate that can guide employees through the bureaucratic maze of healthcare
  • Development of a plan of care
  • Lunch-and-Learn educational programs and workshops on various caregiver topics: Caregiver stress and guilt; Legal and financial aspects of caregiving: Continuum of care of Healthcare services and their costs: etc.
  • All services are completely confidential

To date, we have participated with several companies, and offered some of the services listed, as well as participating in vendor fairs. We can design your program to meet your company's needs. For more info, contact us.